Susana and Grace; Daniel Norma and Delia; Elizabeth and Julia. These are just  three of almost 335  thousand families ,who since 2008 in Spain have get landed with an home eviction and a mortage to keep on paying  after to be banished from their house.  “Side effects” of  a bancking and real estate bubble, blown up in 2009. Four years of downturn; six millions of unemployed; two millions and three thousands persons directly affected by the crisis during the last four years, 60 thousands of wich lost their job.  And without job there are no money to live on, neither to eat, nor to pay the mortage or the rent. So the debt  incured with the banks increases. The monthly payment grows up to staggering proportions. People affected by  mortage get immediately into a black hole made of  auctions and eviction orders. One month at a time, until the bancks  wins taking possession of the houses and leaving he families without a roof but with a mortage to carry on paying until the settlement. Since 2009, la Pah, platform for people affected by the mortage, is struggling to change the current law and make a new one more reasonable, that in front of  the houses seizure could at least provide the settlement, as well as already happens in Europe.